N.nu has a built in RSS parser.
Here is the code which can be used anywhere on any page or in the sidebar:
##RSS=URL of RSS Feed##
Just change the part in bold above.
Here is for example the latest articles from my blog:
- My Recommendations for a Happy Life
- Budget 100 - an old school magic format
- My Favorite Board Games and How I Play Them
- Switching from Windows PC to Mac and why I switched back
- Creating The Space War - The Card Game of My Dreams
- 24 Characteristics That Geniuses Have in Common
- Setting up and Managing a MySQL Server
Code: ##RSS=http://feeds2.feedburner.com/JimWestergren##
How to find RSS feed URLs:
- WordPress blog: http://www.yourblog.com/feed/rss/ (more, each category has it's own RSS feed)
- Twitter: this is better.
Tip: Any tag on delicious.com has it's own RSS feed. So for example I can show you here the bookmarks I have bookmarked with the tag new_templates meaning templates I consider converting and adding to N.nu:
## INVALID RSS URL: http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/Jim_Westergren/new_templates?count=8 ##Some more details
- The list has a class="rss-feed" so that it can be custom styled with CSS.
- The RSS data is cached for a few hours.